DR. hakeem gulam mohiuddin
January 29, 2024

This disease presents with symptoms such as yellowing of the face and eyes, and sometimes the entire body, which may appear yellow or black. Several complications arise in addition to the discoloration of the patient's face. Symptoms include:

Urine Changes: Initially, urine becomes yellow or dark. The yellow color first appears in the eyes and then on the nails and eventually all over the body.

Stool Discoloration: The stool becomes pale and foul-smelling.

Bitter Taste: The patient experiences a persistent bitter taste in the mouth, with a significant aversion to oily and fatty foods.

Loss of Appetite: There is a considerable reduction in appetite, and in some cases, it may cease completely.

Itching: Itching on the body often starts due to the changes in the bile pigments.

Weakness and Lethargy: The patient feels excessive weakness and lethargy.

Skin Rash: Some patients perceive a yellowish tint in everything.

Jaundice: The skin and eyes of the patient turn yellow or black.

Darkening of the Face Color: The color of the face becomes dusky.

Headache and Dizziness: Patients may experience headaches and dizziness.

Distaste for Fatty Foods: There is a specific aversion to oily and fatty foods.

Abdominal Pain: Some patients may complain of abdominal pain.

This condition is often associated with excessive consumption of hot and spicy foods, or the use of substances that can affect the liver adversely. The liver becomes overloaded with bilirubin due to excessive use of hot and spicy things or catching a cold, leading to its combination with blood and coloring the eyes, face, and body yellow or black.

The causes include the excessive use of oily and fatty foods, delayed digestion of food, consuming things like brinjal, aloe vera, meat, pickles, and sweets, contaminated water, unclean food available at open places near the roadside, liver weakness, malaria, nervous exhaustion, pneumonia, phosphorus, chloroform, and the use of certain medications that contain potent drugs.

If this condition becomes chronic and the patient becomes severely weak, delirium or convulsions may occur, and there is little hope of recovery. The patient may also become jaundiced in appearance.

Treatment involves addressing the root causes, such as avoiding oily and fatty foods, timely digestion of food, and eliminating factors that can negatively affect the liver. In addition, the use of cooling substances and the inclusion of aloe vera in medications help in the treatment of this disease. If the disease is associated with anemia or blood deficiency, that aspect is also addressed in the treatment.

Written by
CEO Simla Pharmacy.
President HMS Unani Medical College and Hospital.
Director Luqman Clinic.